Tournament Rules and Conditions

  1. The Colorado State Championships is by
    invitation only. Any entry may be refused with
    no reason given.
  2. The director reserves the right to disallow any
    player to play below his or her skill level.
  3. Tournament rules governing play are posted at
  4. Byes will be randomly awarded by public draw.
  5. Posted match times will be strictly adhered to.
    Penalty points may be awarded when a player is
    late for a scheduled start or resumption of a
    match. Players must sign out with the staff
    when leaving the playing room.
  6. Time clocks as necessary.
  7. All deposits are fully refundable until 10:00pm
    Friday, October 12th. Only cash will be accepted
    after Wednesday, October 10th.
  8. The 2018 Colorado State Championships is a
    non-smoking event. One five-minute smoking
    break is allowed per match between games.
  9. Cell phones must be turned off while matches
    are in progress.
  10. The director reserves the right to change the
    format of any event if necessary.
  11. Final check-in is Saturday, October 13, 2018 by
    9:00 a.m. Any player not checked in by 9:30 a.m.
    will be considered a NO-SHOW.
  12. In any event, re-entries may be used to fill a
    bracket. If you re-enter, your side pool remains
    active or you can enter the side pool if you did
    not originally.